


Message 45 - By Leroy Surface

“The Scenario” Revisited


“Let’s say a Christian has their faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified and loves God, but gives in to temptation and commits adultery.  Well, if Jesus raptures the church while they are in the middle of committing adultery, will they go in the rapture?”

The “scenario” has been expanded to include the incestuous man who lived in fornication with his father’s wife in I Corinthians 5:1, and to David at the time he was committing adultery with Bathsheba and plotting the murder of her husband, Uriah. The question is, would they go to heaven if they died in their sin?  

How would you answer these questions?

Did Jesus die to “take the penalty for our sin?


Did Jesus die to take away our sin?”

Leroy Surface


“The Scenario” Revisited

“Give Them to Eat”

I was called to preach in a vision from the Lord in 1962.  In the vision, I was one of the disciples of Jesus on the day they “fed the five thousand.”  We were saying, “Lord, send these away that they may eat,” but Jesus was saying, “Ye give them to eat.”  Again, in the vision I was one of the twelve that distributed the “five loaves and two fishes” to the multitude, after Jesus had broken and blessed them.  I was amazed that my “basket,” which at the beginning had very little in it, was filled with the fragments of the loaves and fishes after the five thousand had eaten and were filled (Matthew 14:20).  At the end of the vision, Jesus turned directly to me, looked me in the eye, pointed His finger at me, and said, “You give them to eat.”  I answered, “Lord, I have nothing to give.  I have only a high school education, I am bashful and backwards, I stutter when I speak, and have nothing to give.”  Jesus said to me, “Bring it to me: I will break it and I will bless it.  Whatever I have broken and blessed is sufficient to meet the need.”  Fifty years later, I find myself seeking the Lord to anoint me to do what He called me to do so long ago, “Give them to eat.”

“Warn Them”

Four years later, in September, 1966, I was in a time of fasting and prayer when on the tenth day I received another vision from the Lord.  It came sometime after midnight while I was lying in bed worshipping the Lord.  I believe that I was still awake at the time and in the Spirit when I became aware that something had lifted off of my eyes.  It was so dark where I was that I could not have seen my hand in front of my face, but the “thing” that lifted off of my eyes was purple and crimson in color and as it lifted, it split into two parts and vanished away.  I heard the voice of the Spirit say, “I have lifted the veil from your eyes.”  Immediately I entered into a vision of the last day, the day described in Revelation 6:14-17.  It seemed that the top of the little camper trailer I was sleeping in was “rolled back” and I saw the people fleeing from the terrible wrath to come.  It seemed that the very mountains were on fire, as the people found no place to hide from “…the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb (verse seventeen).  The scene changed, and I saw the great white throne judgment.  One by one I saw the people brought before the one who sat on the throne to be judged, and what I saw is still with me forty six years later.  I watched as person after person, men and women alike, were brought before the throne by two angels, one on each side of them.  As they approached the throne, the person would lift up their hands as though to worship, but before the first word came out of their mouths, their faces turned to horror, and they began to scream, “There’s blood on my hands; there’s blood on my hands.”  I never heard the one sitting on the throne say a word to them, but I saw them led away by the angels to a place somewhere behind the throne to be cast into the lake of fire.  They were condemned by the blood that was on their hands.  I understood that all these I had seen were moms and dads, pastors and evangelists, and every person that God had placed in any position of responsibility in this life to affect the souls of others; but they had not given them the “truth,” nor warned them of their sin.

Again, the vision changed, and I was standing before the Lord once more as I had four years before in the first vision.  Again, He spoke to me and said these words, “I have set you to be a watchman for my people.”  Basically He told me the same things He told Ezekiel in Ezekiel 33:7-9; “So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.  When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.  Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.”  The last words I heard in the vision were these: “If you fail to warn them, I will require their blood at your hands.”  From that very day I began to receive the “visions” of a watchman.

Vision of “Another Spirit”

Three years later, in July 1969, I received another vision from the Lord that concerned the entire church world unto this present day. I saw a spirit come upon a woman who represented the church, pretending to be the Holy Ghost, and most of the church accepted it as the Holy Ghost.  At first I thought the spirit was real, but I was troubled by the fact that the ones it came upon began to exalt themselves before the people.  I questioned the Lord, “How can this be, when the same thing that happened to Jesus happened to her?”  I had seen a spirit in the form of a bird, come upon a woman who represented the church, and it looked to me like that which happened to Jesus in Matthew 3:16-17.  I had heard a voice saying to the woman, “Thou art a son of God.”  Then I saw the woman mount a pedestal and began to call the multitudes of people to herself, saying, “Look to me; I am the one the spirit came upon.  Look to me; I am the one the voice spoke to.”  I was thoroughly confused by the scene until the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in the vision, saying, “This which happened to her did not happen to Jesus.”  In short, the Holy Ghost had come upon Jesus in the form of a dove.  I had not seen a dove, but a bird.  A voice from heaven spoke to Jesus.  I had not heard a “voice from heaven,” but merely a voice.  The Spirit of the Lord told me these words which I can never forget: “Always remember, just as there are many birds but only one dove, so there are many spirits but only one Holy Ghost, and there are many voices, but only one Word of God.”  As I awoke out of the vision, I was hearing the words from Revelation 18:2, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”  Has that vision been fulfilled in our churches in these last days?  Let’s see if we can determine the answer with a quick look back over those years.

Something began to happen to the church in those days.  Teachers began to arise, telling the people that they need not “tarry” any longer to receive the Holy Ghost, but they could simply “receive it by faith.”  Others told us they could “teach us how” to receive the Spirit through simply “saying whatever words that come to our mind.”  Still others came and built large ministries by “teaching” the people how to speak in tongues, prophesy, and operate all the “gifts” of the Spirit.  Our forefathers understood that the Holy Ghost “would not dwell in an unclean temple,” but still, others came to tell us you could be “…saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and love the Lord with all your hearts,” and still have a continuing struggle with fornication, pornography, homosexualism, and every other sin known to man.  Looking at the modern church in America and in most of the world forty three years later, I know that “another spirit” has certainly had its way in most churches and in the lives of most people.

Vision of the “Sleeping Church”

In the early morning hours of June 11, 1970 I received a vision from the Lord in which the “church” had fallen asleep.  While the people slept, a huge snake with two heads, one on each extremity, wrapped itself around the church and gathered it in its coils.  Each head of the snake looked upon the church with expressions of great “love,” if you can imagine love in the face of a snake.  In the vision, I awoke and realizing where I was, I tried to run away from the snake, but finding that I could not escape it, I turned to fight against it.  I could not prevail until I picked up a sword (the Word of God), and after a long fight, I was delivered from the snake as its heads were wounded by the Sword of the Spirit.  This vision from the Lord was almost forty two years ago as I write this, but I have never forgotten the lesson that I received from the vision.  That “religion,” which does not understand the purpose of “Jesus Christ and Him crucified,” is built upon a wrong foundation.  It is like a snake with two heads, one on each extremity, the first being “legalism” and the other being “lasciviousness,” both of which will damn the soul of those who continue in them.  When Paul wrote to the Galatians in 54 A.D, he was at war with the legalism of Judaism.  When he wrote to the Corinthians only a few months later he was at war with the lasciviousness that was being brought into the church through a false doctrine of grace (Jude 1:4).  Both of these would have claimed Jesus as their savior, but one believed that obedience to circumcision and the Law of Moses was necessary for salvation, while the other believed that sin did not matter as long as you “believe in Christ.”  Both of these extremes today are built on the same erroneous foundation; that Jesus only took the penalty for our sins and left us in bondage to sin.  Oh what deception!  Forty two years later, I see a “church” that is asleep in the coils of the snake.

The “truth of the gospel” is not found in the middle of these two extremes.  The truth is another foundation altogether.  The common foundation that most of the modern church is built upon is, briefly stated, “Jesus died to take the penalty for our sins.”  The truth of the gospel is, briefly stated, “Jesus died to take our sin away.”  He delivered us, not from the “penalty of sin,” but from sin itself, which He nailed to His cross.  Jesus said, “whosoever committeth sin is the servant (slave) to sin” (John 8:34).  Sin is a “slave-driver” that lives in the nature of every person born into this world.  Those who continue in sin do so because they are slaves to sin, and can never deliver themselves from its power or presence.  However, Jesus said, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).  He never, once, spoke of being “free from the penalty of sin,” but the scriptures speak often of “freedom from sin.”  

Vision of the “Super-Churches”

In the spring of 1971 I received a vision from the Lord concerning the “rising” of the “super churches.”  I saw them rising up out of the ground, huge domed structures with the appearance of flying saucers, with glass windows and doors all around.  They were beautiful to look at, but I had an eerie feeling as though I was seeing an invasion from outer space with alien creatures, except for the fact that they came up from the bowels of the earth.  Multitudes gathered to a great banquet that was given inside.  I entered one of them and stood as near to the exit as I could.  I saw the banquet tables filled with every kind of delicious foods, gourmet meats, vegetables, salads, and desserts; everything prepared to perfection.  I noticed a platter of sandwiches on a nearby table, and thought “It won’t hurt if I eat just one.”  I picked one up and as I brought it to my mouth I heard a voice from heaven thunder to me, “Don’t eat of it!”  I put the sandwich down and left that place, never to return. 

Vision of the “Burning Houses”

The vision changed, and later that night, in the vision, I was traveling across country with a friend at the midnight hour.  We were driving through an area where many of the pastors of the “super-churches” had built their houses, all of which were beautiful mansions costing millions of dollars.  I distinctly remember that it was a great marvel that these men had built their beautiful houses without a blueprint.  I took a side street to show one of the houses to my friend, and as we approached it, I saw that the roof was on fire.  I ran quickly to the door of the house and knocked as loud as I could, shouting, “Wake up, your house is on fire; wake up!”  The owner of the house, who was one of the “super-church” pastors, came to the door in his pajamas and hurriedly got the garden hose and sprayed the roof until the fire went out; then he went back inside and returned to his sleep.  I left that place with a good feeling, because I felt that I had saved the man’s house.  Half a mile down the road was another of the mansions, and as I approached I saw that its roof was also on fire.  I ran to that house, knocking on the door, screaming at the top of my lungs, “Wake up, your house is on fire.”  He came out just as the first man had done, got his garden hose, sprayed the roof, and went back to his sleep.  I still felt pretty good inside for “saving” the second house from the fire, but I thought it was certainly a strange coincidence that two of them were burning the same night.  Suddenly I noticed many other mansions that had been built by “super-church” ministers, and they were all on fire.  I desperately ran to each of them, each time with the same results; they would get their garden hoses, spray the roof, and go back to sleep.  It was only then that I noticed the first house was on fire a second time.  I ran back to that house, shouting, “Wake up, your house is on fire.”  The owner came out a second time, no excitement, no big deal, just get the garden hose, spray the roof, and go back to sleep.  But it wasn’t over!  All the houses caught fire the second time.  I ran to each of them the second time, and in every case it was “no big deal” to these preachers.  “Get the garden hose, spray the roof, and go back in and go to sleep.” 

In the last of the vision the first house caught fire a third time.  By then, I was totally exhausted.  I knocked on the door a third time crying, “Please wake up; your house is on fire.”  A third time the pastor came out, still no big deal; simply get the garden hose, spray the roof, and go back to sleep.  This time, however, neither the pastor nor I was prepared to see what happened.  Before our eyes, as he sprayed the roof with water, his beautiful mansion turned into a house of sticks and straw which the fire quickly consumed to ashes. Certainly, we are very near that “midnight hour” when the houses will burn.

Back to “The Scenario”

 “Let’s say a Christian has their faith in Jesus Christ and Him crucified; loves God, but gives in to temptation and commits adultery.  Well, if Jesus raptures the church while they are in the middle of committing adultery, will they go in the rapture?”

A young man who read about “the scenario” in our January publication decided to place the question on his Facebook page to see what comments it would receive.  He told me that without exception, those who posted a comment said “Yes, the adulterer would go to heaven.”  What a window this gives into the soul of the modern church.  I preached a message years ago (March 15, 1987) and put it in a booklet titled “The Call to separation.”   I had received a vision from the Lord on March 6 of that year in which He told me He was calling His people out of the uncleanness which was already filling the churches in that day.  In the message I wrote these words; “When God gives unclean churches over to uncleanness, they will be ‘bundles of tares,’ waiting for the fire--just sit­ting there waiting for the fire!  I mean, unclean from the pulpit to the pew.  Un­clean: from the greatest to the least.  Unclean: from the pastor down to the jani­tor. Everything will be unclean, because God will give them over to uncleanness.”  I truly believe that day has come.

Today I turned the television on to watch a few minutes of “Frances and Friends” where I had seen, what I have called, “The Scenario” on their December 22, 2011 broadcast.  This was only the second time I had gone there in the six weeks that had past since seeing that shameful “scenario,” so I was amazed to find Brother Swaggart on his wife’s program explaining “Justification by Faith.”  They admitted that a “hornet’s nest” had been stirred up by the broadcast of December 22, 2011.  That was the day that Donnie said that a man could be in the act of adultery at the moment Jesus returned for His people, and Jesus would accept the adulterous man “…if his faith is anchored in Christ.”  I hoped to hear a “clarification” that would say they did not actually believe Jesus would accept adulterers when He comes and that somehow we had misunderstood what Donnie meant to say.  Sadly, that was not the case.  Let me say up front that I have no desire to attack these people.  In fact, I have prayed many times that they might fully understand the message of the cross and blood; because I know that they reach millions of souls with their message, where I reach but hundreds.  Would to God that He would make Jimmy Swaggart my teacher, but it cannot be so until he understands the truth of the cross and the blood for the sake of his own soul.

After explaining the orthodox doctrine of “Justification by Faith,” Brother Swaggart took on a question concerning the man in I Corinthians 5:1-2 who was living in fornication with his father’s wife.  The conclusion he gave first of all was that the man was actually a pastor, or at least an elder of the church at Corinth, and second, that he was actually saved, and would have gone to heaven if he had died in an incestuous relationship (It was Brother Swaggart who said it was incest).  The following are Brother Swaggart’s actual words on the matter:

So the question is, was this man saved during the time he was living with his step-mother, and he was still attending the church at Corinth, and there is some evidence that he was one of the pastors, or at least one of the elders in the church.  I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t know.  I don’t know that man’s heart, and I don’t know their situation.  Going strictly by what I believe Paul had to say, if I had to make an educated guess, I would say that he was saved.”

Whether or not it is “incest” to cohabit with your step-mother is a moot point, but is definitely “fornication” of the worst kind.  It isn’t hard to “know the heart” of this man who was “having his father’s wife;” it was filled with illicit lust, such as is forbidden by God Himself.  He was a slave to sin, and the fact that he “could not help himself” was no excuse for his sin.  If we say we “don’t know their situation,” we are entertaining “situational ethics,” which thing God does not entertain.  Some would say, “God understands my circumstance, and why I do what I do.”  If what you do is sin, God does not understand, because He sent His beloved Son to die on the cross to “take away our sins” if we will believe Him. 

To prove their point that God would accept the man who lived in fornication with his father’s wife, the panel turned to a discussion of David and Bathsheba.  Again, the conclusion was reached that David “was a man after God’s own heart” even while he was in the bed of adultery with Bathsheba, and when he was plotting the death of her husband, Uriah.  Again, I quote Brother Swaggart’s actual words in the following:

“Now of course the question is asked…was David saved during that time; if he had died before the prophet came to him and he repented before the Lord…the fifty first Psalm is the greatest prayer of repentance found in the entirety of the word of God.  If you will notice the terminology of that Psalm, it’s not a matter of “Lord save me,” it’s “restore to me the joys of my salvation…don’t take your Holy Spirit from me,” you understand, “wash me that I might be clean.”  This is not the prayer of a man trying to get saved.  This is the prayer of a man who knows he has sinned and done terribly wrong.  Was David saved during all of that time?  Yes, he was!  If he had died during that time, would he have died saved?  Yes, he would have!

To his credit, Brother Swaggart did not see David’s sin as a light thing.  Commenting on the sin itself, he said the following:

Yes, he failed, but he climbed out over it by the grace of God.  I’ve thought about this a thousand times; I mean, you think about the sins he committed.  Adultery was bad enough; that was hideous, horrible, but to murder her husband in cold blood, that is, I mean, you can’t get any worse than that, I don’t think.” 

A Vision of a “Burned over Mountain”

Notice the words which say that David “climbed out over it.”  I believe that Brother Swaggart sees himself as the one who “climbed out over it.”  I know a lady minister, a precious woman of God who received a vision from the Lord concerning Brother Swaggart’s ministry seven years before the scandal of 1988.  This lady loved Brother Swaggart dearly, and still does.  In her vision, she saw the Swaggart ministry as a beautiful lush green mountain.  In the center of the mountain was a picture of Frances in a beautiful frame of gold.  In the second part of the vision, she saw the beautiful green mountain burned over with fire.  There was nothing left but ashes, but she saw Brother Swaggart trying to climb the mountain.  She said she could hear the ashes crunching under his feet as he would climb up a few feet and slip back as the ashes gave way under his feet.  Tears were running down his face as he was crying for God’s help to get back on top of the mountain.  Whether the mountain was ever green and lush again, she did not see and I do not know.  I do know that it would be a horrible thing for anyone to build again on the ashes of past failures, and never understand the power of the cross and blood of Jesus Christ to immediately end the sin problem for all who believe it in truth.  Such a person could stand proudly at the pinnacle of a mountain of ashes, and never understand that everything they stood upon is nothing but “ashes.”

During the discussion of David and Bathsheba, Brother Swaggart said at one point “You see, we are bad about categorizing sins.”  Donnie had already compared smoking cigarettes to committing adultery, indicating that there was no difference.  If people could only hear their own words, they would understand how foolish they sometimes are.  If sins cannot be “categorized,” then the pedophiliac (the one who is molesting little boys and girls) must be as acceptable as one who loses his patience at a stuck red light.  Is that the level of gospel we are asked to believe and receive?  By the same criteria, any and every sin known to man would be acceptable in a “Christian,” as long as they “really didn’t want to do it.”  God will not accept such sin in an atheist, Muslim, Hindu, or in any other person on this earth, but we are asked to believe He will accept it in a “Christian” whose “faith is anchored in Christ.”  With thinking like this coming from one who professes to have the revelation of the cross and the blood, I can only conclude that the entire religious world, including religious Christians, has gone mad.

Concerning David being called a “man after God’s own heart,” one of the panel had this to say:

“And it was a willful act.  He had to plot and plan it, but this is what I maintain…see if I’m right in this thing.  God knew David’s heart.   He knew that if David was confronted with this, he was going to repent.  God knew David’s heart, because God said, “David’s a man after my own heart.  I mean, over and over in the scriptures, and he said this after…many times after this horrible act was committed, because he knew David’s heart.”

When God rejected King Saul, the prophet Samuel said to him, “…thy kingdom shall not continue: the LORD hath sought him a man after his own heart…” (I Samuel 13:14).  This took place about the time that David was born.  The “rejoicing of God” over “finding” David is revealed in Psalms 89:20, in a vision God gave to David; I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him.”  This “rejoicing” however, referred to the day God “found David” as a shepherd lad when he was about sixteen years old.  He sent the prophet Samuel to the house of Jesse to anoint him to be king over Israel.  This was before he killed Goliath, and over a dozen years before he took the throne at thirty years of age.  God never, at any time thereafter, repeated that David was “a man after my own heart,” even though he certainly was in most of his ways.

The apostle Paul in his preaching in Antioch of Pisidia, quoted from the Old Testament, seemingly mixing Psalms 89:20 with I Samuel 13:14 in this way: “I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will.”  John Wesley, commenting on this verse, had this to say:

I have found David, a man after my own heart - This expression is to be taken in a limited sense. David was such at that time, but not at all times. And he was so, in that respect, as he performed all God’s will, in the particulars there mentioned: But he was not a man after God’s own heart, in other respects, wherein he performed his own will. In the matter of Uriah, for instance, he was as far from being a man after God’s own heart as Saul himself was. It is therefore a very gross, as well as dangerous mistake, to suppose this is the character of David in every part of his behaviour. We must beware of this, unless we would recommend adultery and murder as things after God’s own heart.”   

Death in the Pot

And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered thereof wild gourds his lap full, and came and shred them into the pot of pottage: for they knew them not.  So they poured out for the men to eat. And it came to pass, as they were eating of the pottage, that they cried out, and said, O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. And they could not eat thereof.

II Kings 4:39-40

I transcribed thirty two minutes of this “Frances and Friends” broadcast, verbatim, so that I would not misquote anything.  I have always said that I agree with at least ninety percent of what I hear from this ministry.  I applaud them for many of their stands, both politically and spiritually.  This particular broadcast was no different; I found many things I could agree with, and heard much “wisdom” from Brother Swaggart himself, concerning several issues.  At the same time, as I was transcribing this segment just a few words at a time, my mind went to the day that the “sons of the prophets” made a pot of pottage to eat.  Someone had shredded wild gourds into the pot, and no one knew about it until they began to eat the pottage.  I will assure you that at least ninety percent of the ingredients in their pottage were very good, but the pottage was going to kill everyone who ate it.  Very few people know or understand the scriptures well enough to discover the “wild gourds” that have been shredded into the message of “the cross and the blood,” by Brother Swaggart. What he teaches, however, is not his own invention.  Millions of others have believed the same thing for several hundred years, but what we must understand is this; it is not the gospel that the apostle Paul preached, and it is certainly not the gospel the apostle John preached, neither is it approved by the apostle Peter.  Brother Swaggart, having come through a very tragic event in his own life over twenty years ago, bounced around for a while, and finally began to teach a version of “the cross and the blood” that seemed at the beginning to be good.  However, he has now arrived at a position that is acceptable to most of the “orthodoxy” of this day.  There is no difference between what he now teaches and the teaching of Charles Stanley; one of the best teachers I have ever heard concerning what happened at Calvary, but with one gigantic problem: Charles Stanley does not believe what he teaches.  He says, “That’s only the way God sees us,” while he continues as he has for many years, to approve the “eternal security” of fornicators in the church.  It seems that our beloved Brother, Jimmy Swaggart, has joined him in that brand of orthodoxy.  The following is the orthodox doctrine of “Justification by Faith,” as explained by Brother Swaggart. 

“Well, to not have knowledge of justification by faith is to not have knowledge of the new covenant, because justification by faith really is the embodiment of the new covenant.  Paul explains it graphically so in chapters four and five of the great book of Romans.  It goes back to the words of Abraham, where it says, Abraham believed God… I think it’s in Genesis 15:6 I believe…Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.  It’s really not complicated; let me try my best to explain it.  It simply means that a sinner, which is obviously guilty, which would pertain to every human being that has ever appeared before the Lord, or whatever the case may be.  If that person evidences simple faith in Christ, he doesn’t have to understand anything about it, but if he evidences faith in Christ, that faith gives him justification on the merit of Jesus Christ, because you and I cannot reach the standards that God demands, it’s impossible, but Jesus Christ did.  He came into this world, and He obeyed the Law in every respect, in word, thought, and deed, never failing even one time, so that was done for us.  Then He went to the cross to satisfy the sin debt, which was the broken Law.  He not only satisfied it in keeping it, but He also satisfied the broken Law, of which every one of us was guilty.  And so whenever He did this, that made it possible as our representative man…Paul called Him the second man, or the last Adam.  Whenever the believing sinner says yes to Christ, they don’t have to go through a long ceremony, or whatever the case…whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord, Paul wrote, shall be saved.”  When that person does that, the perfection of Christ, who was our representative man for all who will believe Him, was transferred to the believing sinner, and that person is automatically justified.  Now let me tell you what that means: it means that they are forgiven, and it means that they are also declared not guilty.  It also means that person is declared to be innocent.  Now listen to this, it also means that person is declared to be perfect, because God cannot accept anything less than perfection.  Now we all know that we aren’t perfect…that’s ridiculous, we aren’t, but Jesus Christ is, and on the merit of Jesus Christ we are justified, and this is the way that God does it.  He can justify a believing sinner and at the same time He can satisfy His own righteousness, because He is basing it totally on Christ because of what Christ did at the cross, all on our behalf.  We did it by simple faith…that’s the reason we keep telling you, you can join a church all day long, and it won’t save you; you can do good deeds all day long, as good as they are, and that won’t save you, but when you accept Christ into your heart, the perfection of Christ in the mind of God is given to that believing sinner, and that person is wonderfully, gloriously, immediately justified.  God imputes to that person a perfect, spotless, pure, righteousness, understand, given to that individual, that is everybody who is born again.  You can get saved on a street corner, in somebody’s house, watching this telecast, or hearing a radio program, or ever how it may be, you can be saved.  That is justification by faith.  We can’t get it by works; you cannot get it by good deeds, you can only get it by faith.  You simply trust the Lord, and the righteousness of Christ is transferred to us.”

I have an older brother, George Surface, who has gone on to be with the Lord.  George was a man of God and a pastor in the Assemblies of God movement for many years.  As I read these beautiful words about “justification by faith,” I am reminded of a quip my brother used to make concerning the contradiction he saw in the name of the breakfast cereal, Grapenuts:” The “contradiction” he saw was, in his words: “They are neither grapes nor nuts.”  That same contradiction is found in the “orthodox” view of “Justification by Faith;” it is neither justification nor faith.  It is a beautiful thought to think that I can “believe in Jesus” and instantly God sees me as not guilty, but, innocent, and perfect; when in fact, absolutely nothing has changed in my heart or nature.  I must continue in sin for years before “learning how” to overcome sin and Satan through trusting in Jesus as my righteousness. This is certainly not the “justification” the apostle John understood.  Hear his words to new converts, I John 4:4, concerning the many “anti-christs (false ministries) that were even then in the world: “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”  The words “little children” are translated from the Greek word teknion,” which means “infants.”  John literally says to these newborn children of God, “You are born of God and have overcome that spirit of anti-christ because you are born of God.”  The apostle speaks to the young men in I John 2:14, saying, “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one.” It seems today, that any and everyone who takes the preacher by the hand and says, “I believe in Jesus as my savior,” is, according to modern orthodoxy, “born again.”  No, not unless they have been made overcomers of sin, Satan, and the world by virtue of their “new birth.” 

What did Jesus “Take Away?”

Another common thought by most Christians today is that Jesus suffered and died to “take the penalty for our sins.”  Again, it’s a wonderful thought to multitudes today: “I’m a sinner; I sin every day; I will continue to sin as long as I live in a natural body, but ‘Jesus took the penalty for my sins,’ and I will never be judged for them.”  Yes, it’s a beautiful thought, but it’s a deceiving lie.  Jesus did not “take the penalty” for anyone’s sin.  Jesus was not “cast into the lake of fire,” as described in Revelation 20:15, “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”  This is the “penalty” for sin, death in the lake of fire, and Jesus did not take that penalty, nor does any scripture or any apostle of the Lord say that He did.

The apostle John was an old man when he wrote the first epistle of John.  All the other apostles had been murdered in the persecutions leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., but John lived on to the age of almost a hundred years old.  He wrote his first epistle to once more establish the “truth” in a way that we would have it forever.  In reality, his epistle is a “primer” that was written to new converts, whom he called “my little children” (infants).  In I John 3:5-6, John gives four conclusions concerning those who trust in Christ that were common knowledge to the church fathers.  It was a knowledge, however, that the Gnostics, the Nicolaitans, the Balaamites, and the followers of Jezebel all tried to destroy, as they all “…turned the grace of our God into lasciviousness” (Jude 1:4). We know that these four conclusions which John gives were common knowledge to the believers in that day because the first conclusion begins with the words “And ye know….” 

And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins;

I John 3:5

This is a direct contradiction to the position of the modern orthodoxy.  John does not say that Jesus “took the penalty away,” but He “took our sins away.”  The apostle John also wrote the “gospel of John.”  Most likely he was there when the Holy Ghost came upon Jesus.  He must have heard, because he recorded them first hand, the words of John the Baptist when he introduced Jesus, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).  His mind, as did every other Jew who heard those words, went back to the law of the scapegoat in the sixteenth chapter of Leviticus, the “kid goat” that was a “sin bearer” for the nation of Israel, to “bear” their sins away into the wilderness.  For over fifteen hundred years, this ritual of “taking away” the sins of Israel was performed on the “Day of Atonement,” which was the tenth day of the fifth month.  These young Jews had seen this done every year of their life, and now they hear John the Baptist, who they knew to be a prophet, saying of Jesus, “This is the Lamb of God that will take away the sin of the world.”  Jesus took our sin nature upon his body, and nailed it to the cross.  He did not take our penalty, He took our sin. Notice that he did not say “sins,” but “the sin,” which Brother Swaggart rightly says, always speaks of the “sin nature.”  Jesus died to take away “the sin” of everyone who would trust in Him, and we have it no more.

The second conclusion John gives is found in the same verse:

…and in him is no sin.

I John 3:5

Certainly we will find little disagreement on the point that Jesus never sinned, but lived a perfect sinless life on this earth.  The words “no sin” are telling us there is no “sin nature” or “nature to sin” in Him.

It is the words, “in Him,” that the apostle emphasizes.  The dwelling place of a child of God is, “in Him.”  Paul emphasizes this repeatedly in the first chapter of Ephesians; “…blessed in Christ Jesus…chosen in Him…accepted in Himin whom we have redemption, etc.”   Jesus Christ, who suffered and died to “take away our sin,” arose again from the dead and ascended up on high, and has become the “dwelling place” of those who are born of God. 

The third conclusion is a little harder for many to believe in this day.  The modern “orthodoxy” totally denies these words of the apostle and calls any who would dare to teach them, a “liar and a deceiver.”

Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not:

I John 3:6

The “secret” of a life free from sin is to “abide in Him.”  Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I in you” (John 15:4).  In the next verse He says, “He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit” (John 15:5).  He continues in verse six, “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:6).  Notice that Jesus gave no middle ground between “abiding in Him” and “abiding not in Him.”  The one “brings forth much fruit,” and the other is “cast forth,” “withered,” “gathered,” “cast into the fire,” and “burned.”  The apostle John, who knew the Lord Jesus in the flesh better than any other man, says, “Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not.” 

The fourth conclusion given by the apostle is cast out by twenty first century theologians as mean, wicked, uncaring, and unloving.

…whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

I John 3:6

Many have pointed out that the Greek wording in this text is in the present tense, and should be interpreted to say, “whosoever sinneth is not seeing Him or knowing Him.”  If that is the case the result is the same.  Just five verses previous to this, John says, “We shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.”  I will point out that this verse should be understood to say, “We shall be like Him, because we see Him as He is.”  Those who are “seeing Jesus as He is,” are “changed into the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord” (II Corinthians 3:18).  How you see Jesus is of the utmost importance to your present experience. 

Jesus told the Jews in John 8:24, “…if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”  Jesus was their Messiah, but they did not believe it.  They knew the prophecy of “The Messiah” given in Daniel 9:24-27, that He would “finish the transgression,” and “make an end of sins,” but they did not believe that Jesus was “he,” that is, “The Messiah.”  If you reject the one who died on the cross to “make an end of sins” in “everyone that believeth,” you will die in your sins.  If the only concept you have of the savior is of one who died to “take the penalty” of your sin, then you will die in your sins.  Jesus is the “Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.”  Those who believe upon Him, have their sin no more.

A Little History

In January/February, 1985 I was in an extended time of fasting and prayer.  Somewhere around the middle of February, I received a vision from the Lord concerning Brother Swaggart’s ministry that I really did not understand at the time.  I loved his preaching, and believed him to be a great man of God, so consider my confusion as to the meaning of the vision the Lord gave me.  I saw his ministry as a large passenger train filled with people.  Many of the people had boarded his train because I was telling them he was “on the right track.”  The train left the crossing where I was and quickly came to full speed.  I thought, “That train is unstoppable,” but I watched as it went three miles into a wilderness, and suddenly, there was no more track.  The train that I had thought was “unstoppable” went tumbling through the wilderness where there was no track, and the death and devastation was horrible to see.  I understood that the three miles in the vision represented three years, and the vision was about something that would happen in three years.  At the time, I would not have believed what did happen almost exactly three years later on February 21, 1988. 

Not understanding the vision, I refused to believe anything could possibly be wrong with this preacher I admired so much.  It was about six months later, in the summer of 1985 that I began to hear him say some things that troubled me deeply.  I heard him say on his telecast, “The Lord told me, ‘Don’t fail me, Jimmy, because there is not enough time to raise up another ministry to reach the world.”  He said numerous times that the Lord had told him that he was the only one that He could use to reach the world, because “…we have the equipment.”  I realized then that Brother Jimmy was listening to a wrong spirit that was bringing him to “exalt himself” above measure.

Before the three years were up, I knew that something was very wrong, but I still would never have believed exactly what it was.  I was on the radio every day in several states at that time, including KJOJ in Conroe Texas which was owned by the Swaggart ministries.  In October, 1987, the Lord spoke to me to go on WLUX radio in Baton Rouge, a station that also belonged to the ministry and was on the church campus.  Shortly after going on WLUX, I took two of my sons by the station to meet the manager, a good man named “Ted Sauceman,” if I spell his name correctly.  It was on that day as we drove around the beautiful campus, looking at the most beautiful ministry buildings, all of which were white and trimmed in the color gold, that the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in the words of Jesus, Mark 13:2: “Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”  I knew that He was not speaking literally about the buildings, but about the ministry, and I understood for the first time that God was about to bring His judgment against Jimmy Swaggart, for what, I did not know.

I never called Brother Swaggart by name in my messages, but I was crying out against sin in the churches with all my heart.  I hated sin with a “godly hatred,” because I had myself been a “backslider” just ten years before that time.  I was using the radio ministry, not only to “cry out against sin in the churches,” but to tell the many visions I was receiving from the Lord during that time period; visions of God’s judgment against sin in the churches.  Almost a year before, I had received a vision of the downfall of Jim Bakker’s ministry and actually aired it on the radio just hours before the scandal broke on the five o’clock news, March 19, 1987.

Brother Sauceman told me that some of the students at the Swaggart Bible College perceived that I was preaching about Brother Swaggart and demanded that I be taken off the air.  He said there were so many making the demands that he had to “send above” to get a decision on the matter.  He said that anytime the words “above” or “upstairs” were used, it meant the Swaggart family.  However that may be, Brother Sauceman told me that one of the family sent word to him, saying, “Leave Brother Surface alone, because he is preaching the truth.”  I was not taken off of the station, but continued through most of the year, even after the scandal broke.  I wept like a baby when the news broke on the twenty first of February, but sadly, I was suddenly a “hero” to many that had previously tried to hurt me.  Brother Swaggart became their enemy, but I prayed for him because I understood well, what he was going through. 

During the three year period from 1987 through 1989 I received dozens of visions of things that came to pass.  Every time another scandal broke, however, I would weep like a baby, because I identified with those who were failing.  Finally, near the end of 1989, I came to the place that I could not continue in the ministry God had given me.  It was tearing me down, because I could denounce the sins of others, but I did not have a gospel answer for them.  I was still plagued at times with guilt and horrible dreams of a past backsliding in my own life.  One night as I wept before the Lord, I said to Him, “If you can give me visions of things to come before they happen, then surely you can give me an answer for the sin problem that is in the heart of man.”  I had come to the place that I felt like one of Job’s comforters who were condemned by the young man Elihu, “…because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job” (Job 32:3).  I was condemning people I had no answer for.  I continued in my prayer that night; “Lord, if you can’t give me an answer for the sin problem that is in the heart of man, then I will close my Bible and never preach again.”  I continued, “It must be an answer that will work for everyone who believes it, whether it is a ‘Jim Bakker,’ a ‘Jimmy Swaggart,’ or a ‘Leroy Surface’.”

Almost immediately, the doors to other churches closed to our ministry, and I began to believe that ministry was all over for me.  In my personal study of the word, however, I felt compelled to understand why Jesus died on the cross, and why He shed His blood for us.  I began to ask these questions of other ministers and the most common answer I received was, “He died on the cross to show how much He loved us, so we would love Him and try to please Him.”  I searched for messages on the blood of Jesus, but found few.  One man of God I respected very much, compared the blood of Jesus to “horse’s blood” that had been infected with a disease the horse could overcome in order to make a serum to inoculate man from the same disease.  That certainly did not satisfy my hunger to understand.  Piece by piece the Lord began teaching me concerning the “truth” that He had said would “make... free indeed” (in reality; John 8:32-36). 

It was in the spring of 1991 that the light of the glorious gospel of Christ shown fully into my heart.  I was writing a message I titled “The Vision and the Provision.”  “The Vision” was what God had “predestined” His people to be from the beginning.  No man from the fall of Adam until Christ was able to approach that which God “foreknew” man to be, even though there were those who kept “all the righteousness of the law blamelessly” (Luke 1:5-6; Philippians 3:6).  There had to be a “Provision” made for man if God was to have his “Vision.”  This is what Calvary was about.  Jesus dying on the cross and shedding His holy blood is our “provision.”  If the result of Calvary does not produce a new creation “in Christ” that is everything God purposed for mankind from the beginning, then Jesus died in vain.  He did not, however, die in vain, but rather laid His life down to give us a “gospel” which is “the power of God unto salvation.”  The “power” of the cross is to crucify the “old man” (the old sin nature); while the “power” of the blood is to sanctify.  Both are received only by faith; not by our works and efforts, but they are received in reality, in those who “know the truth.” 

While writing “The Vision and the Provision,” I came to the scripture in Hebrews 9:13-14 which says, “For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?”  I thought I knew what a “conscience” was, but I looked the word up in Strong’s Greek dictionary, and the definition was simply “moral consciousness,” and I didn’t know what that was.  I turned to an English dictionary and found “moral consciousness:” It said, “the innermost thoughts and feelings of man.”  Instantly I understood!  It was as though a great “light” had pierced through to my soul.  It was not what I was “doing,” or “desired to do,” that was the problem, because I was not sinning, and had no desire to sin.  I was, however, tormented by dreams and remembrances of my “backslidden past.”  The guilt of that past kept flooding back, and I would wake up from a bad dream feeling unclean.  I knew that I had been forgiven and restored for over a decade, yet I felt like the Pharisees that Jesus spoke to in Matthew 23:25-26, saying, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.  Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.” 

When Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees to “…cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter,” He was telling them to do something they absolutely could not do.  We are not, however, “exempt” from the requirements of righteousness just because we “cannot do them.”  That is what “The Provision” is about!  The hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees was not that they could not cleanse the inside of the cup; it was that they cleansed the outside and said the cup was clean, while the inside was filled with excess and extortion.  Suddenly I knew that Jesus had come, died on the cross, and shed His precious blood to do for me what I could never do for myself.  This is the scriptural definition of mercy,…doing for others what they cannot do for themselves.”  I could “cleanse” my outside, but I could not cleanse my inside, nor can any other person on this earth.  That is why Jesus shed His precious blood; not to “cover” our filthy inside, but to cleanse us from all sin and iniquity, both inside and out. The scripture in Hebrews 9:13-14 tells us that if the blood of bulls and goats could sanctify the outside of man, “…how much more shall the blood of Christ…purge your conscience (wash the inside of the cup) from dead works to serve the living God.”  The “light” of this flooded my soul and I lifted up my hands to the Lord as His presence flooded over me.  “Thank you Jesus for coming and shedding your precious blood to wash me inside.”  The horrible dreams and imaginations that had troubled me often since the time of my backsliding, turned off like you would turn off a water faucet, and I was troubled no more.  I had found rest for my soul, and it was in Jesus, my Savior, who died for me.  

About three months ago I had a dream about Brother Swaggart, which I did not understand at the time.  In the dream he was trying to put a new roof on a house.  The shingles were not ordinary in size; but were much larger than the originals, and had to be placed on the house in an exact manner so as not to leak.  He tried three times in different ways, but each time when the rain came the house still leaked profusely.  In the dream I was trying to tell him how he should do it, but it seemed he simply could not understand. After the third flawed attempt, I despaired that he would ever get it right; but finally, on the fourth try, he did get it right, and the rains were kept out of the house.  I am despairing right now, because his “roof” is still “leaking;” but I continue to pray that he will “get it right.” 


Those who continue to believe that “justification by faith” does nothing for them apart from giving them “righteousness” that “only God can see,” are very much like the vain little Emperor in a classic fable by Han Christian Anderson.  I have copied a condensed version of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” from Wikipedia, which describes as well as anything I have seen, the “righteousness” of much of the modern church.

A vain Emperor who cares for nothing but his appearance and attire hires two tailors who are really swindlers that promise him the finest, best suit of clothes from a fabric invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position or "just hopelessly stupid". The Emperor cannot see the cloth himself, but pretends that he can for fear of appearing unfit for his position; his ministers do the same. When the swindlers report that the suit is finished, they mime dressing him and the Emperor then marches in procession before his subjects, who play along with the pretense. Suddenly, a child in the crowd, too young to understand the desirability of keeping up the pretense, blurts out that the Emperor is wearing nothing at all and the cry is taken up by others. The Emperor cringes, suspecting the assertion is true, but holds himself up proudly and continues the procession, deciding never to be so vain again and to take his position more seriously.

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Revelation 3:18

Message 45 - By Leroy Surface - The Scenario Revisited





Leroy Surface MESSAGES


Keith Surface MESSAGES